Alphabet NAme Spaceship

What is that one word that every child wants to write first once he learns alphabets?

OWN NAME . Right!

And once they learn the spelling of their own name, they want to write their own name all over the place, at least mine does. He wants to write his name on every book or copy he comes across, even on the walls.. 

So what could be more interesting than making an Alphabet Name Spaceship for their own name, and mine was generous enough to make one for mommy too ;).

Alphabet Spaceship

It’s a quick 10-15 minute craft with minimal requirements.

Age: 4+

Requirements for Alphabet Spaceship:

  • Colored paper (i had colored sticker paper, so used these)
  • Glue
  • Scissor
  • Black sheet for background
  • Stars (stickers or cut from paper)

My boy has something for stickers lately, so he loved sticking his name stickers and make a rocket/spaceship.

Step 1: Cut the colored paper in the shapes shown. – small rectangles, triangle, long stripes. If the child can cut, let them try cutting simple shapes with child-safe scissors.

Step 2: Use glue for sticking the colored paper if you are not using sticking papers in the shape of a spaceship (see pic for ref.). Using black or dark blue background will look better.

Let them choose their colors order.

My son wanted a spaceship for mummy also, so we made two.

Step 3: Either write alphabets before and let them stick in order, we stuck because the boy wanted to choose his color order and then he wrote his name on bigger spaceship & mummy on smaller one;).

Use markers to write the names and allow it to dry.

Step 4: Adding stars to the space is very important ;). Use star stickers or draw and color the stars, or if you use stamps; and our Alphabet Name Spaceships for baby and mummy are ready..


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8 thoughts on “Alphabet Name Spaceship – Craft for Kids

  1. Lovely idea and so easy. My daughter did something similar in school recently and we are trying variations. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more such ideas 🙂

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