Teach your toddler the times of the day-10+ DIY Activities- FREE Printables
Why do we wake up at this time Everyday ? why do we have to sleep when the sky is so dark? why can’t I go to play when the sun is bright? Has your little toddler asked these questions? Well, its time we teach them about the times of the day, what are they called and how it affects them and their daily activities.
Experiential learning is the biggest teacher for children. Give your toddler a fresh perspective to the science of day and night by taking them outside the house and close to the nature.
A sunrise at the beach, morning walk with their pet, sweating in the midday sun, playing outside in the dirt in evening, sipping milk after the sunset in the park under the twinkly sky and reading their favorite goodnight book for a good sleep are just a few experiences which will help them understand times of the day, what we do during these times and how these times make their bodies feel.
To continue this learning use the below DIYs, activities and FREE Printable for your toddlers. Download and print a copy of the FREE printable sheet for the activity. I suggest doing one activity a day and repeating these activities for greater understanding with toddlers. Please remember every child is different and may take time to understand.
Check List of the supplies needed for doing all the activities suggested on this site can be found here
Instructions for DIYs, Activities in FREE Printable
Time Of The Day Wheel – Cut and design
- Using free printable 1A, 1B here. Cut using scissors under adult supervision or ask for help from an adult to cut along the black or dotted lines for guidance. Use colors and your creativity to create a wheel of all the times of the day – Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night. Once you have colored punch a hole at the center of both the pieces. Use a thread, metal wire or a fastener to join the pieces together and allow them to move freely in circular motion.
2. Time Of The Day Wheel – Color and Learn
- Using the free printable 2 here. Cut using scissors under adult supervision or ask for help from an adult to cut along the circle and use the dotted lines for guidance. Use your creativity, engage your children to color the pre-designed wheel of all the times of the day in the 4 quarters of the circle- Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night. Once you have colored punch a hole at the center of both the pieces. Use a thread, metal wire or a fastener to join the pieces together and allow them to move freely in circular motion.
- Below is a short video of how it looks:
3. Time of the Day Flash Card – Color And Learn
- Using the free printable 3 here. Cut using scissors under adult supervision or ask for help from an adult to cut along the black lines of the rectangles. Use your creativity, engage your children to color the cards of all the times of the day. Tip : Color the time of the day based on how it makes our bodies feel– Mornings are cool so we can use blue, afternoons are hot so a warm color like yellow, evenings are warm when sun is orange and skies are getting dark so we can use orange and finally nights can be cozy, cool and dark so a purple or darker shade would be apt.
- This helps children to understand their bodily responses to phases of sun and moon along with colors representing these feelings. It helps them build a color vocabulary along with new words of the day they are learning with you.
4. Time of the Day Matching rolls – Cut and Paste
- Using the printable 4 here. Cut using scissors under adult supervision or ask for help from an adult to cut only along the outer black line of the long rectangles. Use your creativity, engage your children to color the cards of all the times of the day. Use glue and make two cylinder out of the rectangle cut outs. Next, you can put these cylinder on a empty tissue roll or a bottle or just the arms of your children. Now, let them match the times with the pictures.
- Tip: Complete the flash card activity before jumping to this.
5. Time Of The Day Wheel – Draw and Color
- Using the printable 5 here. Let your children be free and expressive. This gives them self-confidence and trust in you to support them. Always keeping this bond of trust with children helps them to open up to us.
- A. Encourage your children to draw and color all the times of the day in the drawing sheets- Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night
- B. Encourage your younger children to color all the times of the day in the drawing sheets- Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night
6. Time Of The Day Things To FIND –
- Using the printable 6 activity sheet. This is my favorite activity. Let your little toddlers use their favorite colored markers, crayons or pens to find and circle things we do, things that happen, things we see in morning or evening or night or afternoon. Tip: Use different colors for each of the time on a single sheet. Sometimes our small acts can make big difference to the environment. So go ahead and let your children finger point on your iPad, desktop, laptop, mobile screens for this activity.
7. Time of the Day Greetings –
- Teach the greetings to your kids that you use by Repetition. Use the greetings for each time of the day by using them everyday at the same time. Repetition is key to learning new habits for children. Download and use this sticker or award sheet printable 7 when your children use the greetings correctly. Set a target for your children like when they get 30 stickers on the greeting sheet they will get a gift of their choice. Repetition is important it will take up to a month or sometimes two to make it a habit for children.
8. Time Of the Day Bingo –
- Download and print the activity sheet 8 for this activity and lets get going. Games are very interesting way to teach kids a lot of things like number, days, things inside the house so why not time of the day. Play the bingo using the printable. I have also provided empty sheets if you like to make your own bingo with kids.
9. Time of the Day Walk
- Using the printable activity sheet 9 here. Help your children learn from experience. Take them out during the day to let them feel and see how the world around them looks and feels at that time of the day. Carry the printable or use the blank outline sheet. Once you are back home, circle, mark or note the things you found and learnt about that time of the day. Help them complete the walk activity by taking them out often.
10. Time of the Day Fun Facts for the Geeky kids –
- Using the printable activity sheet 10 here. You can print and stick in your children’s room or show it often on your desktops, mobiles or just tell them some fun facts about the times of the day. Add new information to your kids learning everyday. Tell them new things, new stories, new facts and help them revise and repeat these learnt information to make this learning permanent.
11. Time of the Day Feelings –
- Our bodies react differently to each time of the day. Sometimes we feel tired or lazy or sweat a lot or feel burning or cool, and sometimes just chirpy. Understanding our body and our feelings is a very difficult job for a toddler. So let them learn it through experience. Enhance their vocabulary about the time of the day but letting them feel it and helping them to understand the feelings.
- Take them out for a morning walk to let them feel the cool breeze, chirpy birds, their excitement. go to a beach on a sunny afternoon and let them put on the sunscreen, let them feel the heat of the sunlight and cool of the water, let them see flowers in a near by garden. Take them out for an evening walk or play at the park. In the night when they are tired tell them about how nights are helpful for rejuvenating and healing their exhausted bodies.
- Use the activity sheet printable 11 for getting started
12. Time of the Day Routine –
- Our children love repetition. So involve your kids and have a little chat about routines. Create a routine for each time of the day for you and your child. Children love to copy and do things we do. Start with Night routine and then move on to Morning routine. Slowly you can see them understanding all the activities of the day and creating new habits along with you.
- Use the activity sheet printable 12 for getting started
13. Time of the day and Science Behind It –
- Watch this very simple and easy to understand video on YoutTube here with kids. This video makes understanding Day and Night so easy for our older kids. It also shows an experiment using a globe and night lamp to replicate day and night. Do this experiment with your children. Give it a try and share your experiences. Experimental learning ensures the facts, inferences, results and data stay longer in our children’s memories and brain.
14. Read Books –
- Books are your best friends in good times and bad. Passing the habit of reading to your children is a very thoughtful gift. You can choose from many books that help our children to learn about the times of the day. Llama Llama Red Pajama, Good Day Good Night, Goodnight Moon, Where Do Diggers Sleep At Night, Good Night Good Night Construction Site, Great Day For Up by Dr Seuss, You Are Light by Aaron Becker, Goodnight Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann, The Sun Is My Favourite Star by Frank Asch, Sun Up Sun Down: The Story of Day and Night, What Makes Day And Night are some good books to read to your kids.
You may buy the books here: *
Sun rises in the East and sets in West, East or West my little baby you are the Best !
Now that you have read all these activities You might also like to try this collection of 50+ DIYs and Indoor Play Ideas by Urvashi here
Hope you and your kids have fun learning and playing. Share in the comments how is the learning going on? which of the above are your favorite activities? We are grateful when you drop in to check our new posts. Please say a hello in comments and tell us about you and your kid!
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